From combustion to the wave nature of heat via the telegraphic equation

From combustion to the wave nature of heat via the telegraphic equation

The Doppler effect can be heard especially clearly when a train passes. The presence of the same effect in the generalized telegraphic equation indicates the wave nature of heat transport over small distances. Credit: IFJ PAN When a train approaches or an ambulance approaches us with its siren blaring, we hear the sound at an … Read more

Using key gene-regulated molecular pathways to increase wheat yields

Using key gene-regulated molecular pathways to increase wheat yields

A study from the University of Adelaide has revealed that the molecular pathways regulated by a gene traditionally used to control the flowering behavior of wheat can be altered to achieve greater yields. The gene is called Photoperiod-1 (PDP-1) and is regularly used by breeders to ensure that wheat crops flower and set grain earlier … Read more

New method can create water levitation at much lower temperature, has implications for cooling nuclear reactors

New method can create water levitation at much lower temperature, has implications for cooling nuclear reactors

Wenge Huang inspects material samples in Jiangtao Cheng’s lab. Credit: Alex Parrish for Virginia Tech. Sprinkle a few drops of water on a hot pan and if the pan is hot enough, the water will sizzle and the water droplets will appear to swirl and float, hovering above the surface. The temperature at which this … Read more

Researchers investigate properties of novel materials for electronics operating in extremely hot environments

Researchers investigate properties of novel materials for electronics operating in extremely hot environments

Structures of AlGaN/GaN TLMs studied in this work. (a) Selectively regrown n++ ([Si]11020cm3) GaN contacts in the Ohmic region only with the different contributions of the contact resistances Rc, 1Rc, 2and Rc, 3 labeled. (b) Regrown n++ GaN over entire TLM region. (c) Ti/Al/Ni/Au alloyed contacts. Credit: Applied Physics Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1063/5.0191297 The scorching … Read more

There are wounds that still haven’t fully healed five years after the Memorial Day tornadoes

There are wounds that still haven't fully healed five years after the Memorial Day tornadoes

After the tornadoes, our neighborhood rallied with resilience I would like to focus on the good that came from this terrible event. Immediately after the storm, the whole neighborhood came together. Within days, neighborhood leaders had coordinated with city officials to orchestrate a massive trash cleanup. This brought many new partners into our network who … Read more

ESA prepares for post-ISS era, selects exploration company Thales Alenia to develop cargo spacecraft | TechCrunch

The Exploration Company's second prototype capsule.

The European Space Agency selected two companies on Wednesday to advance designs for a cargo spacecraft that could create the continents’ first sovereign entry into space. The two winners, aerospace major Thales Alenia Space and French startup The Exploration Company, will receive 25 million ($27 million) each to advance concepts for vehicles that can transport … Read more

New genetic discoveries offer hope for targeted lupus therapies

New genetic discoveries offer hope for targeted lupus therapies

Lupus is a lifelong, often painful and occasionally fatal autoimmune disease. Few treatments exist today beyond powerful steroids to knock down the patient’s immune system -; a therapy that has its own serious risks. The good news is that new and promising treatments are in clinical trials. But the term lupus belies the fact that … Read more